Our St. Louis Recycling plant will provide you with the most reliable and effective recycling solution in the St. Louis Area. Federal Recycling has been in recycling business for over 100 years. We buy and sell over 50,000 tons per month of various recycling commodities worldwide making Federal one of the strongest commodities traders in the industry. Our St. Louis Plant specialize in Cardboard, Paper, Plastic, and Metal recycling. We offer full service recycling and waste solution for your business, non-profit, office building, warehouse, apartment & condo complex, municipality or government entity. We are your one stop shop for all your recycling needs.

The following services are offered:

  • Cardboard and paper recycling
  • Plastic recycling
  • Metal recycling
  • Solid waste cost savings
  • Equipment sales and leasing
  • Zero waste solutions
  • Landfill diversion
  • Pallet sales and Purchasing
  • full service buyback center w/ on site payment

Call 314-678-8700 to speak to one of our account managers today.



Tony DeCaro, General Manager
12111 Prichard Farm Rd
Maryland Heights, MO 63043

We've increased sales and profit for hundreds of companies.
